St. Patrick Parish Ministries

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process for welcoming adult newcomers (inquirers) into the Catholic Church. This process is carried out by a parished-based RCIA team composed of clergy and lay people committed to being a resource and an education network involved in the preparation:

  • Of unbaptized persons (catechumens) for initiation into the Catholic Church

  • ·Of baptized non-Catholic Christians into the full communion of the Catholic Church

  • And, of uncatechized Catholics for reception of Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Full reception occurs at Easter time and the RCIA team and candidates begin meeting weekly in September of the prior year. For more information and or to sign up, please contact Clark Stojan (309) 794-9400

Food Pantry
On the first Sunday of every month the Parish collects non-perishable food items and cash donations for the Colona Township Food Pantry.  Donations are collected in baskets at the front of the Church and at the main entrance. Cash donations may be placed in envelopes marked “Food Pantry” on any Sunday of the month. All donations are turned over to the pantry the following week. Contact Deacon Al if you would like to help (309)-949-2698

Home-bound and Nursing Care Ministry

Lay Eucharistic Ministers make regular visits to sick or disabled parishioners at home or in nursing home or hospital care situations. They offer the Blessed Sacrament, prayer, encouragement and fellowship as appropriate to those unable to attend regular Church services. Contact the parish office to arrange a visit.

St. Anne Circle Altar and Rosary Society
This group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, in the church hall, (except when holidays occur) at 7:00PM. Different members volunteer monthly to host. They provide the dessert. Current information (including date changes) is always in the church bulletin. Prayer is followed by a meeting and dessert. The main mission of St. Anne Circle is to support the church. The Circle pays for maintenance of altar cloths, new supplies for the altar and donates to several Christian causes. For information contact Jacki Catour 309-912-9495

Funeral Luncheon Committee

This group serves catered lunch for the family and the guests of the family. We are seeking new members for this committee. For funeral luncheon information please contact Kathy Rogiers 309-269-6979

Patriotic Rosary

EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT AT 5:30 pm -6:30 pm we pray for our country for every State by name Contact Phebe Wiatt 309-558-9112 Come in the door by the side church door on rectory side.

St. Martha's Altar and Rosary Society
We meet the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in St. Patrick's Hall. (We do not meet June, July or August.) We provide a soup supper on Ash Wednesday alternating with St. Anne's Circle every other year. For more information, Contact: Kathy Rogiers, President at 309-236-6979

Medjugorje Prayer Group
This group meets at St. Patrick's Church after 8:00AM morning mass on Monday and Thursday mornings. We pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Any and every one is welcome to join us. Contact Jacki Catour 309-912-9495

Autumn Leaves
This is a group of retired parishioners who get together on the 3rd Monday of each month at NOON all year long to socialize and enjoy a meal together. The restaurant of choice will be in the bulletin each month and NO RSVP required, Contact Jacki Catour 309-912-9495

St. Theresa Card Group
This ministry meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 11:30AM for a light lunch and card playing. 500 is the game of choice for a pleasant afternoon of fun and fellowship. Members take turns being hostess. The group meets in the parish hall. Mary Spurck 309-507-3719

Blue Cross Sewing Circle
This ministry meets the 3rd Thursday of the month. The group cuts and ties lap robes and distributes them to shut ins, nursing homes, and hospitals. Members meet after the 7:45AM mass in the hall. Mary Spurck 309-507-3719